Your Total Internet and Database Solutions

Planetscape Inc. is an digital media company that provides various website development/e-commerce, database solutions and social media solutions services for B to C and B to B. Planetscape develops and markets its own websites development, databases and social media services through Menny's monthly newsletter and seminars. Planetscape recruits its own clients, researched their needs, and offers its services. The projects are externally profitable for our clients.

Planetscape Inc. founded in 1998 by Menny Bezalel who has over 30 years of experiences in technology solutions. Menny graduated from Polytechnic University and obtained his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. Planetscape is one of the leading edge technology company that provides software, hardware and system integration in USA. Planetscape employs full time staff of technical specialists with expertise in system planing, application development, database development, database administration, computer networking, web hosting, graphic design and printing technologies.

  • Planetscape first mission is to enable knowledge transfer and mentoring clients through implementations of technology innovation and competitive solutions.
  • Planetscape second mission is to provide 100% commitment and customer satisfaction.
  • Planetscape third mission is to use technology solutions and improve company's bottom line.
Our Products and Services
Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design (RWD) is an approach of laying-out and coding a website such that the website provides an optimal viewing experience — ease of reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling — across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones). More and more Jewelry stores are converting their existing sites to responsive design.
According to Google, the responsive web design has become more important as the amount of mobile traffic now accounts for more than half of total internet traffic. Planetscape is pleased to announce the release of a new version of website for the jewelry retailers.
Planetscape continues to lead the industry in developing browser based systems. Planetscape led the industry by migrating old (DOS based) application to Windows Web based technology. We specializes in moving from Old antiquated DOS based database to Window-web SQL database, Customized POS (Point of Sale) database to include the store inventory, receivable, tracking, SKU database maintenance, SKU reports, Purchasing- vendor order/receivable and account payable, Warehouse inventory management, receivable, tracking system, Customized Accounting Software, Web Based CRM (Customer relationship management) Software.
Networking Solutions
Planetscape is focused on providing state-of-the-art computer networking installation, troubleshooting, consulting, quality security solutions for small and medium-sized businesses; we are a leading provider of technology-based B to B solutions with offices in New York and Tel-Aviv. Planetscape services the business needs of IT requirement for our clients in both countries.
Hosting Solutions
Planetscape provides robust and proven hosting plans to fit your needs. We offer and design Search Engine Placement, Optimization and Banner ads. Today, more and more companies, organizations, and individuals are looking for specialists to host their web pages. We can satisfy this demand by hosting your website with Planetscape. For example: UNIX or Windows Web Server allows you to focus on your online presence, instead of server management or IT.
Planetscape is an interactive web house design company, serving customers in USA and Tel Aviv. Our expertise covers the entire range of the web site development process: Strategy, Design, Development, and Maintenance. Our printing technology covers wide range of printing catalogs, brochures, posters, postcards, books, duratran for box-light, rollups and pop-ups for tradeshows, offices, point of sale.
Social Media Marketing is a technique that makes use of social media to drive traffic and gain brand awareness. We can help you increase the number of followers on your social media channels through both paid and organic techniques.

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